Kahaani is directed by Sujoy Ghosh and the movie has been declared a Super-Hit. The budget of the movie was 8 Crore and it has grossed 75 Crore in just three weeks. Vidya Balan has done the trick again after a successful Dirty Picture and has proved her excellence as an actress. The movie has a lot of suspense for the viewer and nobody is going to guess that what is going to happen next and this is best part of it. It contains some local music and has been successful in showing the real Kolkata. This is a sure shot movie, you shouldn't waste time in other activities and should go and watch it right now.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Kahaani - 2012
Kahaani is directed by Sujoy Ghosh and the movie has been declared a Super-Hit. The budget of the movie was 8 Crore and it has grossed 75 Crore in just three weeks. Vidya Balan has done the trick again after a successful Dirty Picture and has proved her excellence as an actress. The movie has a lot of suspense for the viewer and nobody is going to guess that what is going to happen next and this is best part of it. It contains some local music and has been successful in showing the real Kolkata. This is a sure shot movie, you shouldn't waste time in other activities and should go and watch it right now.
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